A very long time ago two little girls met on a lacrosse field. One with chubby cheeks and the sweetest puppy you ever saw. The other, just chubby, who had a cat.
They said, 'hellos' and played with the puppy together, discovering that later that year when they began middle school, they'd be in the same homeroom. And almost instantly they were inseparable- after school bike-rides, weekend sleepovers, silliness and love. One day the one passed the other a note, "my Dad has cancer". And when one hurt the other was there. No matter how much time passed between separate high schools and colleges they could always pick up where they left off. As my Grandfather's casket was lowered into the ground she held me and cried too. I hurt, and she was there. Through death, love, marriage and sickness they have remained inseparable. And when one hurt the other was there.
Unfathomable tragedies have struck in the last two years. And when one hurt the other was there. Because they were best friends, you see, and loved each other more than anything. And so they had to be together. Always. Anything else just wouldn't be right. There was more silliness and sleepovers to be had. More life to live and more love to share.
That's why last night when the phone rang at 10:13pm and it was her, my heart stopped and my throat closed. And then she told me she would be alright. I wept and wept and slept soundly for the first time in a long time. This morning I cried again looking at the picture of us together. Thanking her Dad. Thanking my Grandfather. There is more life to live and more love to share. And if she hurts I will be there and if I hurt she will be there. Because we're best friends. Because we love each other. Because she is the very heart of me.
Fuck you, cancer.
bisous xo,
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