Dispatches from the Front Lines of the New F!#*ing Normal

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The Fiscal Kick in the Dick

I was already having pangs of under appreciated woe at my job.  It was just one of those weeks where I came home with blisters on my feet and other people's pain on my heart and I didn't have a checking account that would justify retail therapy as we were still recovering from Christmas and prior to my new found interest in my health and fitness (more on that later) I had decided to eat my feelings across the Tri-State area and rack up some rather hefty debit charges at Dunkin's, McDonalds, Starbucks....oh my!

Then my paycheck came.  I felt like I had worked extra hard, extra long hours and of course didn't have any deductions for Holidays off this go round.  But as I opened my check it was hard not to ask if I was being 'punked'.  My paycheck was some sort of cruel joke, right?

where is the rest of it????

Then I remembered.....fucking fiscal cliff. 

Yup.That's exactly how I felt.

Get it together, America.  I want to buy Almond milk without feeling guilty and take myself on vacation before I die. dicks.


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